Биография Агнии Барто на английском

Английский язык
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She was born February 4 (17 NS) in Moscow in the family veterinarian. Was educated at home, which was led by the father. I was in high school, where she started writing poetry. At the same time was engaged in ballet school, where at the final credits came A. Lunacharsky and listened to poems Barto, advised her to continue writing.In 1925 were published poetry books for children – “the Chinese boy Wang Li”, “Bear-thief”. Conversation with Mayakovsky about how children need a fundamentally new poetry, the role it can play in the education of the future citizen, has finally determined the choice is up poetry Barto. She was regularly published poetry collections: “Brothers” (1928), “the Boy Vice versa”(1934), “Toys”, (1936), “bullfinch” (1939).
